mount nfs on windows 10

在 Windows 10 上挂载 nfs


  • nfs server: Linux(Centos 7)
  • nfs client: Windows 10


  • nfs server 已经部署好
  • 挂载后可能没有修改目录的权限,这是因为 GID 和 UID 设置不对,详见
  • 运行「命令提示符」时要以管理员权限运行

Windows 10 上的配置步骤

  1. 按「Win+R」输入「OptionalFeatures」,勾选「NFS服务」中的「NFS客户端」。

  2. 查看 nfs server 共享的目录

    showmount -e <nfs_server_ip>

  3. 挂载(以匿名模式)

mount \\<nfs_server_ip>\<nfs_dir> <local_nfs_volume>

  1. 卸载

    umount <local_nfs_volume>

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jekyll blog series

本文参考 Youtube 频道:代码真香

jekyll 快速入门

Jekyll 是一个静态站点生成器,它是 GitHub 创始人创造的,被非常多的极客使用,阮一峰的博客也是用它搭建。Jekyll 会根据网页源码生成静态文件,包括 html,css,js等。它提供了模板、变量、插件等功能,所以实际上可以用来编写整个网站。但是和WordPress又有很大的不同,原因是jekyll只是一个生成静态网页的工具,不需要数据库支持。它使用 Ruby 编写,通过 Markdown 和 Liquid 模板生成内容。


  • WordPress
  • typecho
  • Tale
  • Hexo
  • Hugo


  • 简单
  • 静态
  • 对 Github 支持友好
  • 博客支持


  1. 快速在本地搭建博客
  2. 将博客部署到可访问的域名
  3. 常用插件和配置
  4. Liquid 模板语法


1. 安装(on MacOS)

brew install ruby
sudo gem install jekyll
sudo gem install jekyll bundler

Gem 安装不上或很慢怎么办?

更换 gem 的源:

gem sources --add --remove

2. 创建博客


jekyll new myblog
cd myblog


sudo bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve


默认从 访问。


  • _config.yml:是最重要的配置文件。
  • _post:展示的博客文章。
  • _drafts:草稿,不会展示。
  • _site:生成的静态网站内容。

3. 使用别人的主题

  1. 克隆主题。
  2. 安装依赖。
  3. 更换文章。
  4. 运行和部署。
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TCP 的三次握手和四次挥手


跟 UDP 相比,TCP 是面向连接的、可靠的协议。

两个进程在使用 TCP 传输数据之前必须先使用「三次握手」来建立连接。完成数据交换后,经过「四次挥手」来关闭这个连接。


在下面的分析中,我们假设有两个角色:client 和 server。

1. 建立连接

1.1 直觉

为了建立可靠的连接,就不能像 UDP 那样,消息发送后就撒手不管。通信的双方必须要确认自己发送的消息对方接收到了才行。那么如何做到这一点呢?一种可行的方法是:发送方在发送的数据中加上一个「标记」,接收方收到数据后要回送一个「应答」,发送方收到接收方的应答后才会认为数据发送成功。

接下来思考一个更加现实的问题:怎样建立 client 和 server 之间的可靠连接呢?


  1. client 跟 server 说:「我要跟你建立连接」;
  2. server 回复 client :「我准备好了,来吧」;
  3. server 紧接着又问 client:「我准备好了,那你呢?不会放我鸽子吧?」;
  4. client 又回复说:「放心吧,我也准备好了」。

假设发送数据的时候会给数据加上一个数字 id 做为标记,收到标记为 id+1 的数据才能确认数据发送成功。所以上面的过程可以这样描述为下图的过程:

  1. client 发送一条数据到 server,标记为 10;
  2. server 回复一条数据,标记为11,client 收到 11 后就知道 server 准备好了;
  3. server 向 client 发送一条数据,标记为 20;
  4. client 回复一条数据,标记为 21,server 收到 21 后也知道 client 准备好了。
  5. 至此,双方都确认对方已经准备好进行数据传输了,意味着连接建立成功了。


1.2 TCP 的做法

TCP 建立连接是经过三次握手,而上面是通过四次握手建立连接,能不能少握一次呢?减少一次通信肯定能快一点建立连接。回头再看看,这四次握手有没有多余的呢?

从数据传输方向上来看,第二次和第三次都是 server 向 client 发送数据,而且在这之间 server 没有任何其他的数据向 client 传输,那么我们可以将他们合二为一,这样就只剩三次握手了。从四次到三次,提高了数据传输的效率,缩短了建立连接的时间。

这样的话,当 server 将带有请求 11 和应答 20 的数据发送给 client 的时候,client 如何知道 11 和 20 各自的含义呢?其实很简单,给他们取个名字就行了。如下图,用 SYN 标记发送的数据的序号,ACK 用来标记对收到的 SYN 的确认。

再来一个更加详细的图(注意图中 connect 函数和 accept 函数何时返回):


TCP 连接终止使用四次挥手,这里假设 client 主动关闭连接。

  1. 首先,client 发送 FIN 给 server 说:「我要关闭连接了,不会再接受数据了」;
  2. server 回复 client 对 FIN 的 ACK:「好的,我知道了,等我处理完数据我也关闭连接」;
  3. server 发送 FIN 给 client:「我也要关闭了,收到消息请回复」;
  4. client:「好的,我知道了,你可以关闭了」。


虽然第二次和第三次都是 server 向 client 传输数据,但是 TCP 是全双工的,一方关闭不影响另一方的数据传输,在这两次传输之间 server 可能需要继续等待 client 发出的尚未收到的数据或处理之前收到的数据,如果硬要合到一起,对 client 而言,这个过程可能要阻塞一段时间,性能就会下降。

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Windows 10 交换 Caps 和左 Ctrl 按键

MacBook Pro

之前一直使用 MacBook Pro 办公,而且读研的时候折腾过一阵 Emacs。出于按键习惯的原因,我把 Caps 按键和 Ctrl 按键交换了,感觉效率确实高了一些。久而久之就习惯了这种按键方式。

在 MacBook Pro 上更换的方法是:

  1. 「系统偏好设置」==>「键盘」==>「修饰键」(右下角);
  2. 大写锁定键:选择 Control;Control 键:选择大写锁定键。


后来我入手了梦寐以求的 FILCO 出品的 Majestouch MINILA,不仅手感好,还支持 DIP 开关,掰一下开关就实现 Caps 键和 Ctrl 键的交换了!


Windows 10

老板人好,上个月给配了一台 Surface Laptop,16 GB 内存加 512 GB SSD。笔记本的配置还是比较爽的,但是按键不知道咋改……像我这种有强迫症、爱折腾的程序猿怎么能忍,于是我习惯性的去找 Google 大哥帮忙。找到一个感觉很原始但是确实有效的方法(on Windows 10):

  1. 按键:「Win + R」;

  2. 输入:「regedit」,打开注册表;

  3. 依次进入:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ==> System ==> CurrentControlSet ==> Control ==> KeyBoard Layout;

  4. 右击「KeyBoard Layout」,依次选择「新建」=> 「二进制值」;

  5. 将「新值 #1」重命名为 Scancode Map;

  6. 右击 「Scancode Map」,选择「修改」;

  7. 输入如下值并保存:

    Scancode Map

  8. 重启生效。


  1. Majestouch MINILA [US67key / Red switch]
  2. Windows下交换Capslock和左Ctrl的方法 - 江南消夏的博客 - CSDN博客
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通俗讲 HTTP 协议就是在网络上传输(发布和接受)HTML 的协议,用于浏览器和服务器的通信。


  • 客户端:MacBook Pro(的 Chrome 浏览器。

  • 服务端:Windows(上的 TCP 调试工具。


  1. 服务器要先开启,工作模式为:「TCP 服务器」,端口设置为:「8888」。

  2. 浏览器地址栏输入:「」。

  3. 服务端接收到请求:

    GET / HTTP/1.1
    Connection: keep-alive
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9
  4. 在服务端的发送信息窗口输入:

    HTTP/1.1 200 ok
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
  5. 客户端显示如下页面:


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Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.

To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext and includes the necessary front matter. Take a look at the source for this post to get an idea about how it works.

Jekyll also offers powerful support for code snippets:

def print_hi(name)
  puts "Hi, #{name}"
#=> prints 'Hi, Tom' to STDOUT.

Check out the Jekyll docs for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at Jekyll’s GitHub repo. If you have questions, you can ask them on Jekyll Talk.

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Table of Contents

  1. differences between TCP and UDP

differences between TCP and UDP

connection connection-oriented connectionless
reliability yes no
speed slower faster
header size 20 bytes 8 bytes
ordering rearrange packets in the order specified no order
streaming of data byte stream, buffered entire message, sent once
used by other protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, Telnet DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP
occasion require high reliability, large amount of data need fast, efficient transmission, small amount of data
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http status code

Table of Contents

  1. 1xx Informational
    1. 100 Continue
    2. 101 Switching Protocols
  2. 2xx Successful
    1. 200 Ok
    2. 201 Created
    3. 202 Accepted
    4. 203 Non-Authoritative Information
    5. 204 No Content
    6. 205 Reset Content
    7. 206 Partial Content
  3. 3xx Redirection
    1. 300 Multiple Choices
    2. 301 Moved Permanently
    3. 302 Found
    4. 303 See Other
    5. 304 Not Modified
    6. 305 Use Proxy
    7. 307 Temporary Redirect
    8. 308 Permanent Redirect
  4. 4xx Client Error
    1. 400 Bad Request
    2. 401 Unauthorized
    3. 402 Payment Required
    4. 403 Forbidden
    5. 404 Not Found
    6. 405 Method Not Allowed
    7. 406 Not Acceptable
    8. 407 Proxy Authentication Required
    9. 408 Request Timeout
    10. 409 Conflict
    11. 410 Gone
    12. 411 Length Required
    13. 412 Precondition Failed
    14. 413 Request Entity Too Large
    15. 414 Request-URI Too Long
    16. 415 Unsupported Media Type
    17. 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
    18. 417 Expectation Failed
  5. 5xx Server Error
    1. 500 Internal Server Error
    2. 501 Not Implemented
    3. 502 Bad Gateway
    4. 503 Service Unavailable
    5. 504 Gateway Timeout
    6. 505 HTTP Version Not Supported

1xx Informational


100 Continue


101 Switching Protocols


2xx Successful

200 Ok


201 Created


202 Accepted


203 Non-Authoritative Information

204 No Content


205 Reset Content


206 Partial Content


3xx Redirection

300 Multiple Choices


301 Moved Permanently


302 Found


303 See Other


304 Not Modified


305 Use Proxy


307 Temporary Redirect


308 Permanent Redirect


4xx Client Error

400 Bad Request


401 Unauthorized


402 Payment Required

403 Forbidden


404 Not Found


405 Method Not Allowed


406 Not Acceptable


407 Proxy Authentication Required


408 Request Timeout


409 Conflict


410 Gone


411 Length Required


412 Precondition Failed


413 Request Entity Too Large


414 Request-URI Too Long


415 Unsupported Media Type


416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable

客户端已经要求文件的一部分(Byte serving),但服务器不能提供该部分。

417 Expectation Failed


5xx Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


501 Not Implemented


502 Bad Gateway


503 Service Unavailable


504 Gateway Timeout


505 HTTP Version Not Supported


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sed learning notes


sed notes

what is sed?

sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).




选项 解释
-f script-file 添加script-file到命令
-i [suffix] 就地编辑。suffix指定备份文件后缀名
-n/–quiet/ – slient slient
-e script 添加script到命令


  • 命令结构:

    [address[, address]] instruction [argument-list]




指令 解释
a (append) append text after a line
c (change) change lines with text
d (delete) stop processing the current line, immediately start next cycle
i (insert) insert text before a line
N (next without write) add a newline to the pattern space, then append the next line of input to the pattern space
n (next) print the pattern space, then replace the pattern space with the next line of input
p (print) print the pattern space
q (quit) exit
r filename (read) read text of a file
s (substitute) format: s/regexp/replacement/[flags]
w filename (write) write the pattern space to filename

### 控制结构

符号 解释
! (NOT) not
{} 将一组指令括起来,用$;$将多条指令隔开
:label 标记一个位置,作为跳转目标
b [label] 无条件转移
t [label] 匹配成功则转移

### 暂存空间

符号 解释
g 将暂存空间的内容复制到模式空间中,模式空间中原来的内容丢失
G 将一个换行符和暂存空间中的内容append到模式空间中
h 将模式空间中的内容复制到暂存空间中,暂存空间中原来的内容丢失
H 将一个换行符和模式空间中的内容append到暂存空间中
x 交换模式空间和暂存空间中的内容

### regular expression extensions

symbol explanation
\w any “word” character (字母、数组、下划线)
\W any “non-word” character
\b a word boundary
\B every but on a word boundary
\s whitespace characters (空格、tab、暂存空间和模式空间中的回车)
\S non-whitespace characters
\< beginning of a word
\> end of a word
\` start of pattern space, different from ^
\’ end of pattern space, different from $
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awk learning notes

AWK Learning Notes

What is awk?

An awk program is a sequence of patterns and actions that tell what to look for in the input data and what to do when it’s found.


Summary of Patterns


String-Matching Patterns


Regular Expression








statements in actions


注意:for (expression in array) statements 中的expression是array的index而不是array的element

built-in variables




built-in arithmetic functions


built-in string functions


expression operators


control-flow statements



function name(parameter-list) {
  	return result



注:getline < filegetline var < file可以用在BEGIN中进行“预处理”(不会设置NR变量)。

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install mesos on mnode

Table of Contents

  1. plan
  2. prerequisites
    1. 关闭防火墙(on all nodes)
    2. ssh免密登录(on all nodes)
    3. 如果之前装过mesos,需要清理一些目录(删除或修改)
  3. 配置master节点(mnode04)
    1. 添加mesos的yum源
    2. 安装mesos,marathon,zookeeper
    3. 配置zookeeper
    4. 配置mesos和marathon
    5. 启动mesos,marathon,zookeeper
    6. 检查配置
  4. 配置slave节点(mnode01, mnode02, mnode04)
    1. 添加mesos的yum源并安装mesos(mnode01, mnode02)
    2. 配置slave和master信息
    3. 启动slave
  5. 验证安装
    1. web ui
    2. 测试


  • available nodes:
hostname ip address status
mnode01 slave
mnode02 slave
mnode04 master & slave


关闭防火墙(on all nodes)

systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld

ssh免密登录(on all nodes)

  • mnode01

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode02
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode04
  • mnode02

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode01
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode04
  • mnode04

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode01
    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ mnode02





rpm -Uvh 


yum -y install mesos marathon mesosphere-zookeeper


echo 4 > /var/lib/zookeeper/myid
vim /etc/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
# 在最后添加 
# server.4 =
# 2888端口用于集群成员的信息交换
# 3888端口是在leader挂掉时用来选举新的leader用
vim /etc/mesos/zk
# 内容为:
# zk://
# 设置quorum的值(master节点数目除以2向上取整)
echo 1 > /etc/mesos-master/quorum


mkdir -p /etc/marathon/conf
echo > /etc/mesos-master/hostname
echo > /etc/marathon/conf/hostname
cp /etc/mesos/zk /etc/marathon/conf/master
cp /etc/mesos/zk /etc/marathon/conf/zk
sed -i 's|mesos|marathon|g' /etc/marathon/conf/zk


systemctl start zookeeper && systemctl start mesos-master && systemctl start marathon


  • 主要配置内容:


配置slave节点(mnode01, mnode02, mnode04)

添加mesos的yum源并安装mesos(mnode01, mnode02)

rpm -Uvh 
yum -y install mesos


  • mnode01

    echo > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname
    vim /etc/mesos/zk
    # 内容编辑为:
    # zk://
  • mnode02

    echo > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname
    vim /etc/mesos/zk
    # 内容编辑为:
    # zk://
  • mnode04

    echo > /etc/mesos-slave/hostname


  • mnode01, mnode02 and mnode04

    systemctl start mesos-slave


web ui


  • on mnode04

    mesos-execute --master="" --name="cluster-test" --command="sleep 40"


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create git remote repository and initiate it from local repository

Table of Contents

  1. create a remote repo
  2. initiate from local repository
  3. my shell script

create a remote repo

  • using the following command:

    curl -u '${user_name}' -d "{\"name\":\"${repo_name}\"}"
    • change ${user _name} to your github user name, and ${repo _name} to the repository name you want to create.

initiate from local repository

  • cd to the directory you want to initiate the remote repository with.
  • execute the following commands:

    echo "# ${repo_name}" >>
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git remote add origin${user_name}/${repo_name}.git
    git push -u origin master

my shell script

  • this is my shell script git-create, I made it executable and added it’s path to my PATH environment variable for convenience:

    test -z $repo_name && echo "Repo name required." 1>&2 && exit 1
    curl -u ${user_name} -d "{\"name\":\"${repo_name}\"}"
    echo "# ${repo_name}" >>
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git remote add origin${user_name}/${repo_name}.git
    git push -u origin master
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file compression on Unix and Linux

1. gzip Compression

​ Typically, gzip files are sotred with a .gz extension.

1.1. Compress files with gzip :

gzip sourcefile

​ This wil compress the file and change the name to sourcefile.gz.

1.2. Recursively compress an entire directory

gzip -r directory1

1.3. list info of the compressed file

gzip -l test.gz

1.4. Adjust the compression optimization

​ From -1(–fast) to -9(–best):

gzip -9 sourcefile

1.5. Decompress a .gz file

gzip -d test.gz

​ or

gunzip test.gz

2. bzip2 Compression

​ Files compressed with bzip2 are generally given a .bz2 file extension.

2.1. Compress files with bz2

bzip2 testfile

​ This will compress the file and give it the name testfile.bz2.

2.2. Numbered flags (different from that of gzip)

​ The number represents the block size that utility manages to implement its compression.

bzip2 -9 testfile

​ The default behavior is the -9 flag.

2.3. Decompress a .bz2 file

bzip2 -d testfile.bz2

3. xz Compression

3.1. Compress files with xz

xz testfile

​ This will process the file and produce a file called file.xz.

3.2. List statistics about the compression of the file

xz -l testfile.xz

3.3. Decompress a .xz file

xz -d testfile.xz

4. Using tar archiving with compression

4.1. Using tar with gzip

4.1.1. compress

tar czvf test.tar.gz directory1

4.1.2. peek inside

tar tzvf test.tar.gz

4.1.3. decompress

tar xzvf test.tar.gz

4.2. Using tar with bzip2

​ To use archiving with bzip2, you can replace the -z flag, which is gzip-specific, with the -j flag.

4.2.1. compress

tar cjvf test.tar.bz2 directory1

4.2.2. peek inside

tar tjvf test.tar.bz2

4.2.3. decompress

tar xjvf teat.tar.bz2

4.3. Using tar with xz

​ Any remotely recent versions of tar have added similar functionality for xz compression. These follow the exact same format using the -J flag.

4.3.1. compress

tar cJvf test.tar.xz directory1

4.3.2. peek inside

tar tJvf test.tar.xz

4.3.3. decompress

tar xJvf test.tar.xz
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show hide hidden files on mac os x

1. show hidden files in finder

open terminal and type in the following commands:

> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
> killall Finder

then relaunch Finder, the hidden files should be visible.

2. hide hidden files in finder

open terminal and type in the following commands:

> defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO 
> killall Finder

then relaunch Finder, the hidden files should be invisible.

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Qt 5.5.1 static compiling

1. Problem


2. Solution


1) 确保已经安装了Qt 5.5.1。
2) 下载Qt 5.5.1的源码: 。
3) 安装python。
4) 把源码解压到C盘(我的路径是C:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1)。编辑C:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g++\qmake.conf,找到QMAKE_LFLAGS和QMAKE_LFLAGS_DLL,后面赋值为 –static:

QMAKE_LFLAGS = -static  

5) 打开终端:windows键==>all apps==>Qt 5.5.1==>Qt 5.5.1 for Desktop (MinGW 4.9.2 32 bit),切换路径到C:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.5.1。
6) configure:

configure -confirm-license -opensource -platform win32-g++ -release -static -ltcg -prefix "C:\Qtstatic" -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-odbc -plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-odbc -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -opengl desktop -no-qml-debug -nomake tests -nomake examples -skip qtwebkit -qt-pcre -no-compile-examples  

7) mingw32-make
8) mingw32-make install
注:make和make install 需要的时间较多,可能要3到4个小时
9) 添加编译选项 打开QtCreator==>Tools==>options==>build&run==>QtVersions==>add==>选择C:\Qtstatic\bin\qmake.exe==>apply

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install gcc 5.3.0 on centos7


  • operating system: CentOS 7 64bit
  • old gcc: gcc 4.8.2
  • source packages: gcc-5.3.0.tar.gz gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2 mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz mpfr-3.1.3.tar.gz


change to an appropriate directory (mine is /usr/local) and unzip the 4 packages:
tar -jxvf gmp-6.1.0.tar.bz2
tar -zxvf mpfr-3.1.3.tar.gz
tar -zxvf mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz
tar -zxvf gcc-5.3.0.tar.gz


3.1.install gmp

> cd /usr/local/gmp-6.1.0
> ./configure
> make -j2
> make install -j2  

(1) If there are errors such as “Permission denied…“, you need to switch to super user and repeat the process.
(2) The header and library genetated by gmp should already be located under /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib.

3.2.install mpfr

> cd /usr/local/mpfr-3.1.3
> ./configure --with-gmp-include=/usr/local/include --with-gmp-lib=/usr/local/lib
> make -j2
> make install -j2

3.3.install mpc

> cd /usr/local/mpc-1.0.3
> ./configure
> make -j2
> make install -j2
> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

Don’t forget to change the environment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH which is necessary for compiling gcc later.

3.4.install gcc

> cd /usr/local/gcc-5.3.0
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib --with-gmp=/usr/local/lib --with-mpfr=/usr/local/lib --with-mpc=/usr/local/lib
> make -j2
> make install -j2

while make, I have the following errors:


this means you need to add swap partition, I made it by editing /etc/sysctl.conf

vm.swappiness = 0


vm.swappiness = 60

then restart the operating system, continue from make -j2.

4.Remove old version

> yum remove gcc
> yum remove gcc-c++ 
> updatedb

5.Link to new version

> cd /usr/bin 
> ln -s /usr/local/gcc/bin/gcc gcc 
> ln -s /usr/local/gcc/bin/g++ g++

6.Add man help

> vim /etc/man_db.conf   add entry: ``` MANDATORY_MANPATH                       /usr/local/gcc/share/man ``` save and exit.


> gcc -v

see whether the version is 5.3.0.

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beginning markdown

Beginning Markdown

I started my hexo blog last year, and recently I get down to adding content frequently. So, I begin with learning besic markdown. The following tips are from

1. Italics and Bold

To make a phrase italic in Markdown, you can surround words with an underscore ( _ ).Similarly, to make phrases bold in Markdown, you can surround words with two asterisks ( ** ).

for example:

_this_ ==> this

**this** ==> this

italic and bold:
**_this_** ==> this

2. headers

Header one

Header two

Header three

Header four

Header five
Header six

You can’t really make a header bold, but you can italicize certain words.for example:

##Header _two_

Header two

To create an inline link, you wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ] ), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( ) ).

####The Latest News from [the BBC]( is shown as below:

The Latest News from the BBC

The other link type is called a reference link. As the name implies, the link is actually a reference to another place in the document.

Do you want to [see something fun][a fun place]?
Well, do I have [the website for you][another fun place]!
[a fun place]:
[another fun place]:

is shown as below:

Do you want to see something fun?

Well, do I have the website for you!

4. Images

4.1. inline image

Images also have two styles, just like links. To create an inline image, you’ll use the same syntax as an inline link.

![A representation of Octdrey Catburn]( is shown as below: A representation of Octdrey Catburn

4.2. refenence image

For a reference image, you’ll follow the same pattern as a reference link. You’ll precede the Markdown with an exclamation point, then provide two brackets for the alt text, and then two more for the image tag. At the bottom of your Markdown page, you’ll define an image for the tag.

![The first father][First Father]

![The second first father][Second Father]

[First Father]:
[Second Father]:

is shown as below:

The first father

The second first father

5. Blockquotes

A blockquote is a sentence or paragraph that’s been specially formatted to draw attention to the reader. To create a block quote, all you have to do is preface a line with the “greater than” caret (>). For example:

> "Her eyes had called him and his soul had leaped at the call. To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life!"

“Her eyes had called him and his soul had leaped at the call. To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life!”

You can also place a caret character on each line of the quote. This is particularly useful if your quote spans multiple paragraphs. For example:

> —Of whom are you speaking? Stephen asked at length.
> Cranly did not answer.

—Of whom are you speaking? Stephen asked at length.

Cranly did not answer.

6. Lists

6.1. unordered list

To create an unordered list, you’ll want to preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( * ). Each list item also gets its own line. For example, a grocery list in Markdown might look like this:

* Milk
* Eggs
* Salmon
* Butter
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Butter

6.2. ordered list

An ordered list is prefaced with numbers, instead of asterisks. Take a look at this recipe:

1. Crack three eggs over a bowl
2. Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl
3. Rub the salmon vigorously with butter
4. Drop the salmon into the egg-milk bowl
  1. Crack three eggs over a bowl
  2. Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl
  3. Rub the salmon vigorously with butter
  4. Drop the salmon into the egg-milk bowl

6.3. more depth

To make a list with more depth, or, to nest one list within another, all you have to do is to remember to indent each asterisk one space more than the preceding item. For example:

* Tintin
 * A reporter
 * Has poofy orange hair
 * Friends with the world's most awesome dog
* Haddock
 * A sea captain
 * Has a fantastic beard
 * Loves whiskey
   * Possibly also scotch?
  • Tintin
  • A reporter
  • Has poofy orange hair
  • Friends with the world’s most awesome dog
  • Haddock
  • A sea captain
  • Has a fantastic beard
  • Loves whiskey
    • Possibly also scotch?

6.4. a paragraph example

1. Crack three eggs over a bowl.

 Now, you're going to want to crack the eggs in such a way that you don't make a mess.

 If you _do_ make a mess, use a towel to clean it up!

2. Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl.

 Basically, take the same guidance as above: don't be messy, but if you are, clean it up!

3. Rub the salmon vigorously with butter.

   By "vigorous," we mean a strictly vertical motion. Julia Child once quipped:
   > Up and down and all around, that's how butter on salmon goes.
4. Drop the salmon into the egg-milk bowl.

   Here are some techniques on salmon-dropping:

   * Make sure no trout or children are present
   * Use both hands
   * Always have a towel nearby in case of messes
  1. Crack three eggs over a bowl.

Now, you’re going to want to crack the eggs in such a way that you don’t make a mess.

If you do make a mess, use a towel to clean it up!

  1. Pour a gallon of milk into the bowl.

Basically, take the same guidance as above: don’t be messy, but if you are, clean it up!

  1. Rub the salmon vigorously with butter.

    By “vigorous,” we mean a strictly vertical motion. Julia Child once quipped:

    Up and down and all around, that’s how butter on salmon goes.

  2. Drop the salmon into the egg-milk bowl.

    Here are some techniques on salmon-dropping:

    • Make sure no trout or children are present
    • Use both hands
    • Always have a towel nearby in case of messes

7. Paragraphs

7.1. hard break

Do I contradict myself?

Very well then I contradict myself,

(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

is shown as below:

Do I contradict myself?

Very well then I contradict myself,

(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

7.2. soft break

Do I contradict myself?··
Very well then I contradict myself,··
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

is shown as below(a dot represents a space):

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)

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You're up and running!

Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).

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