sed learning notes


sed notes

what is sed?

sed is a stream editor. A stream editor is used to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).




选项 解释
-f script-file 添加script-file到命令
-i [suffix] 就地编辑。suffix指定备份文件后缀名
-n/–quiet/ – slient slient
-e script 添加script到命令


  • 命令结构:

    [address[, address]] instruction [argument-list]




指令 解释
a (append) append text after a line
c (change) change lines with text
d (delete) stop processing the current line, immediately start next cycle
i (insert) insert text before a line
N (next without write) add a newline to the pattern space, then append the next line of input to the pattern space
n (next) print the pattern space, then replace the pattern space with the next line of input
p (print) print the pattern space
q (quit) exit
r filename (read) read text of a file
s (substitute) format: s/regexp/replacement/[flags]
w filename (write) write the pattern space to filename

### 控制结构

符号 解释
! (NOT) not
{} 将一组指令括起来,用$;$将多条指令隔开
:label 标记一个位置,作为跳转目标
b [label] 无条件转移
t [label] 匹配成功则转移

### 暂存空间

符号 解释
g 将暂存空间的内容复制到模式空间中,模式空间中原来的内容丢失
G 将一个换行符和暂存空间中的内容append到模式空间中
h 将模式空间中的内容复制到暂存空间中,暂存空间中原来的内容丢失
H 将一个换行符和模式空间中的内容append到暂存空间中
x 交换模式空间和暂存空间中的内容

### regular expression extensions

symbol explanation
\w any “word” character (字母、数组、下划线)
\W any “non-word” character
\b a word boundary
\B every but on a word boundary
\s whitespace characters (空格、tab、暂存空间和模式空间中的回车)
\S non-whitespace characters
\< beginning of a word
\> end of a word
\` start of pattern space, different from ^
\’ end of pattern space, different from $
Written on September 14, 2017